Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner Review

Are you tired of constantly battling with pet hair and stains on your carpets? Look no further than the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner! With its powerful cleaning capabilities and specially designed brushes, this carpet cleaner is perfect for pet owners looking to keep their homes fresh and clean. The lightweight and compact design make it easy to maneuver, while the large water tank means less time refilling and more time cleaning. Say goodbye to stubborn pet messes and hello to spotless carpets with the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner.

Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large

Learn more about the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large here.

Why Consider This Product?

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large is a highly effective and efficient carpet cleaner that is specifically designed for pet owners. If you have pets, you know that they can cause all sorts of messes on your carpets, including hair, dirt, and stains. This powerful carpet cleaner is perfect for tackling these pet-related messes and ensuring that your carpets stay clean and fresh.

With the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, you can say goodbye to lingering pet odors and stains. This product has been extensively tested and proven to remove pet stains, odors, and dirt effectively, leaving your carpets looking and smelling as good as new. The secret behind its effectiveness lies in its powerful suction, rotating power brush, and specialized cleaning formula.

In addition to its excellent performance, this carpet cleaner is also backed by scientific research and evidence. Numerous studies have demonstrated its ability to remove pet stains and odors effectively. Furthermore, it has received certification from reputable organizations, enhancing its credibility and reliability. With this product, you can be confident that you are investing in a high-quality and performance-driven carpet cleaner.

Features and Benefits

Compact and User-Friendly Design

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner features a compact and lightweight design, making it easy to maneuver and store. Its user-friendly design ensures that anyone can operate this carpet cleaner with ease, even if you have never used a carpet cleaner before. Cleaning your carpets has never been this simple and hassle-free!

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Powerful Suction and Rotating Power Brush

Equipped with powerful suction and a rotating power brush, this carpet cleaner effectively removes embedded dirt, pet hair, and debris from your carpets. The suction power picks up any loose particles, while the power brush agitates the carpet fibers, ensuring a deep and thorough clean. You can trust that this carpet cleaner will leave your carpets looking and feeling revitalized.

Specialized Cleaning Formula

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner comes with a specialized cleaning formula that is designed to target and eliminate pet stains and odors. This formula is tough on dirt and stains while being gentle on your carpets, ensuring that your carpets are not only clean but also well-maintained. When combined with the powerful suction and rotating power brush, this cleaning formula provides unbeatable cleaning results.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

Cleaning and maintaining the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is a breeze. It features a removable nozzle and brush roll, which can be easily detached for cleaning. This ensures that your carpet cleaner remains in pristine condition and ready for the next cleaning session. With this product, you don’t have to worry about the hassle of cleaning a complicated and cumbersome machine.

Discover more about the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large.

Product Quality

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is made with top-quality materials and components, ensuring its durability and longevity. It has undergone rigorous testing and quality control processes to ensure that it meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. This carpet cleaner is built to last, making it a wise investment for pet owners looking for a long-term solution to their carpet cleaning needs.

What It’s Used For

Deep Cleaning Carpets

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is primarily used for deep cleaning carpets. Whether you have pet stains, odors, or general dirt and debris on your carpets, this carpet cleaner is designed to tackle them all. Its powerful suction, rotating power brush, and specialized cleaning formula work together to provide a deep and thorough clean, leaving your carpets fresh and revitalized.

Spot Cleaning

In addition to deep cleaning carpets, this carpet cleaner is also suitable for spot cleaning. If you have specific areas on your carpets that need attention, such as recent pet accidents or spills, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner can target those spots effectively. Its compact design and powerful cleaning capabilities make spot cleaning quick and effortless.

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Upholstery Cleaning

Apart from carpets, this versatile carpet cleaner can also be used for upholstery cleaning. Whether you have pet hair, stains, or odors on your furniture, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner can efficiently tackle those issues, leaving your upholstery clean and fresh. Its compact size and powered brush make it ideal for cleaning various upholstered surfaces, including couches, chairs, and car seats.

Pet-Specific Cleaning

As the name suggests, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is specifically designed for pet owners. It is the perfect solution for tackling pet-related messes, including pet hair, urine stains, vomit, and other accidents. The specialized cleaning formula targets and eliminates pet odors, ensuring that your carpets and upholstery remain odor-free.

Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large

Product Specifications

Feature Specifications
Dimensions 11 x 12 x 43.5 inches
Weight 12 pounds
Cord Length 20 feet
Tank Capacity 0.5 gallons
Cleaning Path Width 9 inches
Power Source Corded

Who Needs This

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is a must-have for pet owners who want to keep their carpets and upholstery clean and free from pet-related messes. If you have pets, you understand the struggle of dealing with pet hair, stains, and odors on a regular basis. This carpet cleaner is specifically designed to address these issues, making it essential for anyone with pets in their home.

Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large

Pros and Cons


  • Highly effective in removing pet stains, odors, and hair.
  • Compact and lightweight design for easy maneuverability and storage.
  • Powerful suction and rotating power brush for deep cleaning.
  • Specialized cleaning formula designed for pet messes.
  • User-friendly and easy to clean and maintain.
  • Comes with a long cord for extended reach.


  • The tank capacity may require frequent refills for larger cleaning areas.
  • The cleaning path width may be narrower than some other carpet cleaners on the market.


  1. Q: Can this carpet cleaner be used on all types of carpets? A: Yes, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is safe to use on most carpet types. However, it is always recommended to check the manufacturer’s instructions or test a small, inconspicuous area before using the product on your entire carpet.

  2. Q: How often should I clean my carpets with this carpet cleaner? A: The frequency of carpet cleaning depends on several factors, including the number of pets, foot traffic, and individual preferences. It is generally recommended to deep clean carpets at least twice a year, but spot cleaning can be done as frequently as needed.

  3. Q: Does this carpet cleaner leave my carpets wet? A: No, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is designed to remove excess water and leave your carpets only slightly damp. It has a powerful suction capability that ensures quick drying and prevents over-soaking your carpets.

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Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large

What Customers Are Saying

Customers are raving about the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner’s effectiveness in removing pet stains and odors. Many have shared their positive experiences with this product, praising its compact design, user-friendly operation, and overall cleaning performance. They appreciate how this carpet cleaner has simplified their carpet cleaning routine and made it easier to maintain a clean and fresh home, even with pets.

Overall Value

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner offers excellent value, especially for pet owners who struggle with maintaining clean and odor-free carpets. Its powerful suction, rotating power brush, and specialized cleaning formula make it highly effective in removing pet-related messes, leaving your carpets and upholstery looking and smelling as good as new. With its durable construction and customer-approved performance, this carpet cleaner is a worthwhile investment for any pet owner.

Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

  1. Vacuum your carpets thoroughly before using the carpet cleaner to remove loose dirt and debris.
  2. Treat stains immediately to prevent them from setting in.
  3. Pre-treat heavily soiled areas or stubborn stains with a suitable stain remover before using the carpet cleaner.
  4. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper use and cleaning of the carpet cleaner.
  5. Test the cleaning formula on a small, inconspicuous area before using it on the entire carpet.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987, Green/Black large is a powerful and efficient carpet cleaner that is specifically designed for pet owners. Its compact design, powerful suction, and rotating power brush ensure a deep and thorough clean, removing pet stains, odors, and hair effectively. With its specialized cleaning formula, this carpet cleaner provides unbeatable cleaning results while being gentle on your carpets and upholstery.

Final Recommendation

For pet owners seeking a reliable and user-friendly carpet cleaning solution, the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner is highly recommended. Its impressive performance, backed by scientific research and customer testimonials, ensures that your carpets and upholstery remain clean, fresh, and free from pet-related messes. Invest in this carpet cleaner and say goodbye to the hassle of removing stubborn pet stains and odors from your home.

Check out the Bissell TurboClean PowerBrush Pet Carpet Cleaner, 2987,Green/ Black large here.

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